Il plasterboard It is a material that is characterized by multiple properties. AND versatile, simple to lay and cheap: For this reason it is widespread, in furnishing solutions as in the creation of dividing walls and false ceilings. But how to illuminate it in the optimal way? In this deepening we focus on this theme, focusing in particular on LED lighting.
How much do you save if I use LED bulbs?
The LED bulbs they are characterized by being one of the more ecological and interesting solutions When it comes to lighting, internal environments but also of the external ones. The LED is an electronic component which, with a minimum power passage, is able to issue a light that is exempt from the presence of infrared and ultraviolets, turning on immediately.
Il Light Emitting DiodesThis is the full name of the LED, is an evolution of solid state lighting: the light is obtained through the use of semiconductors and how, in the classic system, according to the use of a filament or a gas.
The reasons why LED lighting proves to be so interesting are mainly that it appears more efficient from an energy point of viewhas a remarkable duration over time and, no less important, has a decidedly low impact on the environment.
Dal aesthetic point of view It represents one of the most avant -garde options, given its ability to be able to be declined in multiple solutions, with a chromatic range both classic and colorful and original. It is no coincidence that the LED lights they are used in the multiple environments. Starting with those in plasterboardwidespread at home and commercial housing facilities. For this they are replacing the most demanding and less ecological incandescent and fluorescence lamps.
One of the ways to be able to optimize the all -round advantages of LED lights is see the latest rates for electricityso as to choose the optimal tariff plan compared to your needs, comparing the proposals of the best companies in a few steps. A solution valid for plasterboard environments (and not only), for companies as for private individuals.
Where LED lights are used in plasterboard
The most used LED lights in the case of plasterboard are undoubtedly strip
LED, functional in particular, in the case of a domestic house, a A space like the living room.
The LED strips are nothing but LED strips that fit well into the false ceiling and on the plasterboard walls. A system that ensures countless plays of light and which proves to be particularly useful for creating an idea in which to implement different, varied and original light cuts.
The Three light emissions in which it is possible to exploit the LED by inserting them in plasterboard cuts are:
- Light cut with direct emission. A cut of light that has as its main objective to bring the luminous flux at its disposal to the highest levels. The light is brought vertically towards the floor. It is preferable to apply a diffuser, opal or satin, which proves to be functional to obtain a large light flow.
- Cut of light with indirect emission. In this case, the LED strips are positioned inside a metal profile; The flow of light is facing upwards, according to an indirect emission. A type of lighting suitable to limit the dairy effect to the maximum, with a softer but no less illuminating light.
- Cutting of light with lateral emission. A light to be applied in the metal profiles that are curved ad hoc, according to an inclination that deviates the luminous flux, resulting lateral. A perfect solution, as well as for the false ceiling, but also for the walls, capable of creating a touching effect downwards. A cut of light that turns out to be excellent for the realization of a sort of visual path.
How to choose LED lighting for plasterboard
Now that you know what are the types of LED lighting for plasterboard you just have to make your assessments and make a choice. Of course, it is something extremely personal, but we try to offer you concrete and real parameters.
For example, to illuminate a hallway in plasterboardwhich is often found in professional spaces such as hotels, medical studies and offices, we recommend thelateral lightingcomfortable and relevant to the characteristics of the environment. A solution valid even in one space like the bathroom where the plasterboard is often appliedcapable of giving a soft and relaxing light, especially if the material used is stone or a special finish.
If, on the other hand, you want to get a scenographic effect and at the same time comfortable, theindirect led lightingrepresents the optimal option. This is because it allows you to play with unexpected light effects And very pleasant.
They are only examples, but they do well how much the plasterboard can be deliciously versatile and contemporary. Not subject to rigid reference parameters, even more when it comes to lighting.
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