The sofa is one of the first furnishings that we buy to make our home welcoming, but also practical. It is an accessory that we can contextualize in different environments. We prefer it in the living room, but we can choose it to define both the kitchen and an open space and even a veranda. How to choose the sofa most suitable for your needs? Here is everything you need to know in this practice guide!
You have decided to change the sofa you have in the living room, but you are full of doubts because you really loved that model. Soft, stylish, you spent special moments in the company of your family, but also of your friends. You spent unforgettable evenings watching movies and TV series, you chatted until late at night, tasting a glass of wine and telling dreams and projects with your best friends and you even crushed the most refreshing nuns in the post lunch on Sunday, but also after the Work. This sofa has seen all the colors, it was also your workstation from Smart Working during the Lockdown period.
In short, separating from this sofa marks the end of an era, but sooner or later it had to happen, isn’t it? Replacing it will be really difficult, but it is falling to pieces and themes of finding yourself lying on the floor without even realizing it!
Where to combine the sofa? Stay and more
We usually choose the sofa in staybut this furniture is perfect for defining other types of environment. There are many apartments that have kitchen and living room in a single space, and here the sofa will be an inevitable accessory. On the market there are several models, the choice of the most suitable solution will depend not only on the space available, but also on furnishing style which defines the environments.
We will choose one sofa rather than another based on the furnishings, the colors that characterize the environment. Same thing for theshape e size of the sofa. In a open
spacefor example, if space allows it, we can prefer more particular and large models, but also practical and stylish Modular sofas.
In Kitchen Instead we will opt for more compact and simple sofas because here it is an accessory that will give the environment a more welcoming and comfortable aesthetic, but it is not necessary. In fact, it is not in itself an furnishing to have absolutely and that completes, in all respects the environment defining it, but it is something that is added to give more value to the kitchen. Necessary not, but certainly welcome yes.
Sofas and styles: how to choose the one that best suits you
Once the environment is chosen to host your sofa, you will be clear the furnishing style to be inspired by, the same as regards materials, colors and measures.
Let’s start by saying that there are very versatile sofas that combine without too many pretensions with different styles. Most of the colors chosen to define a sofa are almost always clear and bright, while for the materials we really have a wide choice. The fabrics are certainly more practical and less expensive, but the most elegant and lasting material for a sofa is, without any doubt, the skin.
Chesterfield sofa: full -style solution
When we imagine the perfect sofa it is impossible not to imagine, in your living room, a divano Chesterfield. Elegant, with timeless charm, this sofa is different from all the others. It reminds us so much of the New York -style lofts in which the rooms all have that careful and perfect aesthetics stile urban chic That we would all like to replicate in our stay but which is really difficult to recreate. Take a look at To youmaybe you will find your dream chesterfield sofa and, why not, you will be able to make your living room tres chic!
This type of sofa is really recommended because adapts to any furnishing stylefrom the more traditional and refined one, also passing through the material and more and more trendy, industrial ironing. The Chesterfield sofa can be made in various colors, and is available in several sizes and sizes, from 2 seats to 3 seats, but also beyond.
Modern and minimalist style: the right sofas
Modern style e stile minimal They have many points in common with each other, more than you think. These are furnishing trends that prefer light colors, there is a strong presence of neutral shades, for example, and too dark colors are not contemplated. The black, however, in the minimal style, is often used in contrast to the white, the true color protagonist of the minimalist furnishings. Remember, less is more It is the key word of this style, and we find this concept applied also to the choice of the sofa.
The purely modern style, on the other hand, includes trendy furnishings, with little showy volumes and focuses on at all bulky furnishings. Even a sofa that is inspired by modern style will therefore have simple lines, light and bright colors. The most popular models? If the space is compact, we recommend an ivory, champagne, gray or wrong sofa, to give this environment a trendy aesthetic but resulting not too complicated to combine. Better a 2 seater sofa. If, on the other hand, the environment in which you will go to contextualize your sofa is great, opt for a 3 or more seatsvery in vogue i corner sofasalso playing some more daring color.
Contemporary style and boho chic: colorful sofas
Have you chosen to combine your living room with a more particular and colorful furnishing style? If you are inspired by one contemporary stylebut also to the increasingly appreciated stile boho chicThen you have to focus on more eccentric furnishings, including sofas. Choose models with more rounded shapes, with bright colors, and decorate the seats with colorful and soft cushions.
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